Presision 2018

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.”

— Albert Einstein

Curiosity is the force that accelerates us into new and unchartered horizons. It instils in us the will and fortitude to eshew our inertia of ignorance and in the process, change our lives and the world. Like entropy, curiosity never fades, but keeps increasing in the minds of true pioneers, explorers and scientists, inspiring them to seek the answers to the life-changing questions.

The Department Of Physics presents you, PRESISION 2018, a 2–days' Physics Fest with plethora of events that would bring to life the physicist in you. There are plenty of events for everyone here, starting with a Public Lecture, Open for All, an Open House Session for engaging you in the exciting world of experimental physics, for the quizzers in you, there's an invigorating session of Physics Quiz.

PRESISION also presents a unique event, Undergraduate Physics Symposium, to highlight the research work of students and to promote the idea of undergraduate research in the country and thereby provide a perfect platform to present your work in front of experts.

Finally a new addition to the spectra, a physics inspired Flash Fiction, where ideas of Physics will tell the Story.

Explore Baker Labs. Explore the Physicist in You!

UG Symposium
Open House
Public Lecture
Flash Fiction

The last date of submission of abstract for the Undergraduate Physics Symposium has been extended till 27th July, 2018
